Today’s shark tank marketing blog message… Don’t let your kid design your marketing please.

When your website or your marketing collateral looks like your local high school AV team put it together it’s bad and ineffective.

This came about when I saw a website in my business development travels that looked like my 13 year old put it together. It was TERRIBLE, but the owner just raved about it. When I asked her how much traffic it generated – or if anyone contacted them about work – her deer in the headlights stare said it all.

Everyone knows they should be on the web – but please, please don’t let your design look like a kid put it together.

With all the graphic design programs (standard on your home computer) anyone can put together a marketing piece. Sorry to say small business owners are the biggest offenders. Canned art from Microsoft doesn’t cut it any more. You message must say competent, exclusive and sought after. Stop being another me-too company, stand out and be seen.

Your audience expects sophistication, clean graphics, quick website load times, and other bling with your marketing message. With the click of a mouse a small business can access great art, website design and print materials. The prospect is judging you every time you walk in front of them. And believe me the competitors dying for their dollars.

Give yourself the added advantage of expert marketing help, whether it’s on the web or in print. A prospect is willing to pay a little extra to the company who puts time and effort into their marketing. Sexy advertising pieces are cosmetics for your company.

Remember your marketing message is your sales force – automated and on virtual steroids. Well designed marketing is an Armani suit, and the fancy foreign car.

Now think what does your current marketing say about you and your company?

Toss time line – if your marketing pieces are older than 12-18 months it’s time to recycle them. Everyone you have contacted has seen them. Studies have proven you need to reach your prospect a minimum of 5 times to get a decent response to a marketing campaign. That doesn’t mean you need only expensive 4-color marketing collateral. Rather a drip message every few days by different media will do.

Website – update your text every quarter. Not your mission statement or about us, but the what’s new. You want to give your customers a reason to keep checking back.

E-zines and e-mail marketing. Get the customer’s email and reach out to them – it’s still free and most small business owners don’t use it effectively.

That’s all to say for today (I know terrible grammar)… Remember if you need an objective 3rd party review of your website let conduct a free SEO optimization plan.

As always – contact to discuss your marketing needs. Until next time – watch your tails, and be a big fish in a small pond!
