Rule of Three

Today I gave someone a task – for the next 30 days think of three things everyday you want to do to have more abundance.  While I wasn’t the creator of this exercise I think it is extremely valuable.  I have to give credit to other personal development coaches such as Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield.

Still, I didn’t give this task lightly…

This important task was given to someone who is planning to retire, but they don’t know what to do with their post 9-5 freedom.  How many people would be thrilled with having all the time in the world to do whatever they choose?  The only problem… this person doesn’t feel abundant.  Even though they have a nice nest egg to retire with they feel everything is “too big” of a cost.    They live in a perpetual state of lack and fear.

Here’s my big secret – you’re wealthy beyond measure if you have your health, family, and friends.  Once you get past a feeling of lack you begin to see possibilities.  You need to stop looking at the glass half-full.  Ask yourself do you want the inert paper called money or what it brings and offers your life.  I’m willing to bet it is the emotions and possibilities money represents.

How about the next time you get bills in the mail think “Wow I was able to buy X, or I have electricity to run my house, or thank the universe for the ability to have a job to pay these bills”  Whatever it takes to start to feel graced and abundant.

You will be amazed how positive you feel.  Feeling positive is sunshine in a gloomy day.

Now don’t get me wrong – if you want more abundance you need to ask for it.  You need to believe it’s possible, and take action.  Still you can start feeling abundant today.  Give a dime if you have a dollar.  The open hand receives – the grasped fist deters success.  You decide if your a conductor or a resistor.

You might not get the positive results from the immediate future, but I can assure you what you do today will come back threefold.  Patience and persistence is the leverage which moves mountains.

Now I hope that you take on the exercise – think of three things daily that make you feel powerful, graced and successful.  Do you want more money – think of three things you can offer each day that increase your abundance.

Not every idea that comes out of your head will be a winner – but after 30 days you will have 90 ideas.  All you need is a single idea to make a big difference in your life.

Live well and open your hands to success,


Your Mompreneur Coach
